Geneva Trend by Jocelyn Mathewes

Geneva Trend

Young, Restless, Reformed: A Journalist’s Journey With the New Calvinists
by Collin Hansen
Crossway Publishing, 2008
(160 pages, $14.99, paperback)

reviewed by Jocelyn Mathewes

Young, Restless, Reformed sketches the outlines of a growing resurgence of Reformed theology among young Evangelical Christians. The origins of the book came from a conversation the author, Collin Hansen, had with his editor when “the emerging church was all the rage.” Hansen felt compelled to investigate how it was possible that “he didn’t know anyone who was emerging.”


Jocelyn Mathewes is a graphic designer for the National Fatherhood Initiative (, and is working on her documentary photography series, Women with Icons, recently shown at the Amalie Rothschild Gallery in Baltimore. She is married and attends Holy Cross Orthodox Church in Linthicum, Maryland.

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