Mind over Matter by Tom Gilson

Mind over Matter

The Spiritual Brain: A Neuroscientist’s Case for the Existence of the Soul
by Mario Beauregard & Denyse O’Leary
HarperOne, 2007
(368 pages, $25.95, hardcover)

reviewed by Tom Gilson

Mario Beauregard wants to overturn the assumptions of his discipline. “Neuroscience today is materialist,” he writes. “The mind is assumed to be a mere illusion generated by the workings of the brain. Some materialists even think you should not in fact use terminology that implies your mind exists.”


Tom Gilson is the National Field Director of Ratio Christi, a student apologetics alliance with a presence on over one hundred college campuses. He is the co-editor of True Reason: Responding to the Irrationality of the New Atheism (Kregel), and he writes the Thinking Christian blog at thinkingchristian.net, as well as the monthly "Worldview and You" column at BreakPoint.org. He, his wife Sara, and their two college-aged children live in Lebanon, Ohio, where Tom and Sara currently attend the Countryside Church of the Nazarene.

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