Trapped by Liberty by Anne Hendershott

Book Review

Trapped by Liberty

Stuck With Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future
by Peter Augustine Lawler

ISI Books, 2005
(261 pages, $25.00, hardcover)

reviewed by Anne Hendershott

Trained as a physician, Catholic novelist Walker Percy recalled at one time thinking that science could explain everything in the world—until he read Kierkegaard’s comments on Hegelianism, the science of his day: “Hegel explained everything in the universe except what it is to be an individual, to be born, to live, and to die.” Percy asked: “If the scientist cannot address himself to this reality, who can?”

Peter Augustine Lawler’s newest book, Stuck with Virtue: The American Individual and Our Biotechnological Future is a good start in finding the answer.


Anne Hendershott is Professor of Urban Affairs at the King's College in New York City ( She is the author of Status Envy: The Politics of Catholic Higher Education (Transaction, 2008). She and her husband have two grown children and are members of St. Mary's Church in Milford, Connecticut.

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