Sisters in Chains by Cristopher Rapp

Sisters in Chains

Terrify No More
by Gary A. Haugen with Gregg Hunter
W Publishing, 2005
(245 pages, $24.95, hardcover)

reviewed by Cristopher Rapp

Dacie, 14, was on a school break when a family friend offered to get her a job at a noodle shop a few hours from her village. Dacie’s parents gave their blessing, so she packed her belongings and headed out. But when she arrived, her new employer handed her not an apron and noodle spoon, but a bikini top and short skirt—this was not a restaurant, but a brothel, and she would not be allowed to leave.


Cristopher Rapp is an attorney in West Palm Beach, Florida. He has written for National Review, The American Enterprise, and other publications. He attends Memorial Presbyterian Church in West Palm Beach.

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