New Roads from Rome by Kenneth D. Whitehead

New Roads from Rome

The Surprising & Unpredictable Pilgrimage of the New Ecumenism

by Kenneth D. Whitehead

We live in an age of ecumenism our ancestors of just a few generations ago could not have imagined. We are actively encouraged by our churches to respect and maintain good relations with other Christians, work cooperatively with them on common tasks in society at large, and, on appropriate occasions, even pray with them.


Kenneth D. Whitehead is the 2004 recipient of the Blessed Frederic Ozanam Award for Catholic Social Action of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists (SCSS). He writes frequently on Catholic social and moral issues.

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The Creed We Need

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on Divine Worship & the Natural Limits of Community by David Mills

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The Boy Genius

Finding Him Again Through the Patriarchal Group by Anthony Esolen

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on a Random Quantum Fluctuation by Marilyn Prever

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