Under Western Eyes by Robert W. Grano

Under Western Eyes

Eastern Orthodox Christianity: A Western Perspective
by Daniel B. Clendenin
Baker Academic, 2003 (2nd edition)
(192 pages; $16.99, paperback)

reviewed by Robert W. Grano

The revised edition of a book first published in 1994, Eastern Orthodox Christianity is written as an introduction to Orthodoxy for Protestants by an Evangelical who came to know Orthodoxy during his time as a visiting professor of Christian studies at Moscow State University. He examines Orthodoxy in a mainly nonpolemical manner and hopes that the book “will contribute to a spirit of mutual respect, toleration, and even support.” For the most part he succeeds admirably.


Robert W. Grano is a freelance writer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He is a regular book reviewer for All Hallows: The Journal of the Ghost Story Society. He is a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy via the Assemblies of God and the Episcopal Church.

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