Jihad & Genocide by Faith McDonnell

Jihad & Genocide

Sudan’s Islamic Government & Its Christian Citizens

by Faith McDonnell

Since gaining independence in 1956, Sudan has been plagued by civil war, the result of the Sudanese government’s desire to Islamize and Arabize all of Sudan. This so-called “Sudanization” of Sudan disregards the “Africa-ness” of much of the country: the multiplicity of languages and dialects, the Sudanese with black skin, the traditional religions of the Nilotic region, and the Christian identity of Sudan that reaches back beyond the Christians of southern Sudan, beyond the ancient Christian kingdoms of Nubia, beyond the conversion of the court official of Queen Candace of Meroe, to the prophecies of Isaiah 18, Ezekiel 29, and Zephaniah 2.


Faith McDonnell is Director of the Church Alliance for a New Sudan (CANS) at the Institute on Religion and Democracy (www.ird-renew.org) in Washington, D.C.

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