The Measure of Design by Jed Macosko + Paul A. Nelson + Phillip E. Johnson + William A. Dembski + Edward Sisson + Richard Weikart + Jonathan Witt

The Measure of Design

A Conversation About the Past, Present & Future of Darwinism & Design

Jed Macosko, who received his doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley for his work on influenza hemagglutinin and HIV RNA and then received a two-year postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, will begin teaching biophysics at Wake Forest University this August. Paul A. Nelson has published articles in popular and scholarly journals and contributed to the anthologies Mere Creation and Signs of Intelligence. His forthcoming monograph, On Common Descent, critically evaluates the theory of common descent, and is being edited for the series Evolutionary Monographs, produced by the University of Chicago’s Department of Ecology and Evolution. See the other writers’ articles in this issue for their biographies. The answers begin with those by Phillip E. Johnson, as the leader of the movement, followed by the others in alphabetical order.

Touchstone: Who are the “prophets” who anticipated the intelligent design (ID) movement? (I mean people writing before Phillip Johnson.) Did anyone influential listen to them?


James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

Jed Macosko

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