Neanderthals Aren’t Cool by Kevin Offner

Neanderthals Aren’t Cool

Kevin Offner on the “Gender Issue”

There’s no question about it: Today, if you hold to the traditional understanding of men and women in the family and the church, you are “uncool.” If you believe that God has assigned to men a unique calling to authoritative leadership, where they alone are ordained in the church and they alone are to be heads of their families, you will be seen as backward, fearful of change, and a misogynist.

And (just between you and me) you probably hold the Neanderthal position you do because you’re an insecure man who is frustrated over his loss of cultural hegemony. Furthermore, either you aren’t married (it figures!) or your wife (for surely you are male) is a shriveled doormat of a human being, who has low self-esteem and wears heavy make-up to hide the welts where you have beaten her.


Kevin Offner is on the staff of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. He has written for Re:Generation Quarterly, Critique, Student Leadership Journal, and First Things. He lives in Washington, D.C., with his wife Amy. They are members of the Presbyterian Church in America. He is a contributing editor for Touchstone.

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