The Faith of the Global South by Jeremy Lott

The Faith of the Global South

The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity
by Philip Jenkins
Oxford University Press, 2002
(270 pages; $27.95, cloth)

reviewed by Jeremy Lott

The germ for The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity appeared as a fascinating article in the December 2000 issue of Chronicles, entitled “Ethiopia Lifts Her Hands.” After marching readers through a series of disastrously stupid past predictions about the future and religion (e.g., Jefferson’s paean to an inevitable Unitarian America), Pennsylvania State University professor Philip Jenkins acknowledged that “it would take a fool to try to foretell the religious loyalties of the coming century: I am that fool.” This was a display of false modesty, however, as Jenkins, an expert on all things religious, with books under his belt on subjects ranging from clerical sex scandals to the misguided search for the historical Jesus, is nobody’s idea of a fool.


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