Plausible Ecumenism by James M. Kushiner + S. M. Hutchens + Thomas S. Buchanan + Richard John Neuhaus + Jonathan Jenkins + David Mills + Craig R. Higgins + Kevin Offner

Plausible Ecumenism

An Ecumenical Roundtable Discussion

Introduction by James M. Kushiner

In New York City on January 15, 1999, Touchstone held “Plausible Ecumenism: An Ecumenical Roundtable Discussion.” Participants met to consider several questions: What do you see as the current state of movement towards orthodox ecumenism with respect to your tradition and how has your tradition contributed to the current state of visible disunity? What hope do you have for the future? What needs to happen next, over the next forty years?


James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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28.2—March/April 2015

Facing God

on Divine Worship & the Natural Limits of Community by David Mills

31.4—July/August 2018

The Names of the Christian

Labels & the Ecumenism of Discipleship by James M. Kushiner

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Global Power Grab

The Cultural Marxists’ Strategic Assault on Religion, Life & Family by Patrick F. Fagan

33.4—July/August 2020

The Joy of God

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