Wolves in Shepherds’ Clothing by Marcia Segelstein

Wolves in Shepherds’ Clothing

Marcia Segelstein Gives a View from the Pew

When my husband and I forsook Manhattan three years ago for a charming Connecticut town complete with beach, all that I regretted leaving behind was my church. Beyond its magnificent musical tradition, superb liturgy, and sheer physical beauty, it was truly a place of worship. The worship of God, that is. Little did I know then how unusual that would turn out to be.

Perhaps you’ve already guessed that I’m an Episcopalian. And while I’m well aware that many of our esteemed bishops are, to put it very gently, liberal, I suffered under the misapprehension that even liberal Episcopal churches—and there don’t seem to be any other kind here in the hinterlands—preached the gospel of Jesus Christ. I was mistaken. That gospel seems to have been replaced with the gospel of Political Correctness.


Marcia Segelstein is a part-time writer and full-time mother. A former senior producer for CBS News, she is a contributing editor for Salvo, and has written for First Things, OneNewsNow, and Worldmag.com.

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