Is <body> <title>Hope in Haiti? by Jean Bertrand Aristide + Michael F. Gallo

Hope in Haiti?

An Interview with Jean Bertrand Aristide

by Michael F. Gallo

Jean Bertrand Aristide is a man of unassuming appearance. Small in stature, his voice is calm and gentle. But as soon as he begins to speak, he communicates an intensity of feeling and drive appropriate to a figure in the center of controversy. Born in poverty in the small town of Port-Salut, Aristide came to the capital to attend an academy run by the Roman Catholic order of Silesian priests. Eventually, he became a Silesian priest himself, and after two years of biblical studies in Jerusalem, he returned to St. Jean Bosco Church and began work with orphans and poor street children.


Michael F. Gallo , a graduate of Wheaton College, is a public school teacher in Chicago, Illinois.

Michael F. Gallo , a graduate of Wheaton College, is a public school teacher in Chicago, Illinois.

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