Ecumenical Orthodoxy by James M. Kushiner

Ecumenical Orthodoxy

Touchstone’s 25 Years of Common Witness

by James M. Kushiner, executive editor

Touchstone turns 25 years old this fall. When it began in 1986 as a newsletter, no one planned to publish it for a quarter-century or longer. But the newsletter met a need, and it grew quickly to a quarterly, then to a regular magazine.


James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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more from the online archives

20.7—September 2007

Retaking Mars Hill

Paul Didn’t Build Bridges to Popular Culture by Russell D. Moore

30.3—May/June 2017

Not Merely Islam

C. S. Lewis Assesses the Religion of Mohammed by Jacob Fareed Imam

23.6—November/December 2010

Darwin, Design & Thomas Aquinas

The Mythical Conflict Between Thomism & Intelligent Design by Logan Paul Gage

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