The Relatively Good Book by B. J. Hutto + Will Williams

The Relatively Good Book

B. J. Hutto & Will Williams on the Liberal Protestant Bible Translation

Editors’ Note: In order not to exclude atheists, agnostics, animists, and people of other non-Christian (yet equally valuable) beliefs from the open dialogue about the human situation and the universal value of all forms of life, the editors of the Liberal Protestant Version have discerned that the most productive way forward is to soften the potentially offensive word “God” by consistently placing it in quotation marks at its every occurrence. In future editions of the LPV, the editorial board may consider eliminating the problematic word altogether.

Additionally, on the title page, instead of printing “The Holy Bible,” which threatens to eclipse other equally enlightening sources of spiritual revelation, the board has, following a sensitive and thoughtful dialogue, decided to print, “The Sweet and Simple Story of Jesus and His Love.” We earnestly hope this creates a space for your personal self-empowerment.

This translation is dedicated to the nineteenth-century Scottish Old Testament scholar and theologian, W. Robertson Smith, who, when told that he had been accused of denying the divinity of Christ, responded by saying, “How can they accuse me of that? I’ve never denied the divinity of any man, let alone Jesus.”

John 1:1a: In the beginning was a Word of affirmation.

Romans 3:23: For all have tried their hardest and fallen short of their best potential.

Exodus 20:3: You shall have no other gods before me—I am no more or less worthy a god than any of them.

John 20:22: And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive moral autonomy.”

Mark 3:23: So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: “How can Satan drive out Satan? It’s not like he’s real, or anything.”

Psalm 37:40: God helps those who help themselves.

Luke 9:26: For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words is to be congratulated for not arrogantly shoving their religion down other people’s throats.

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