“Prayer Rhythms” Redivivus by Addison H. Hart

“Prayer Rhythms” Redivivus

The Anglican Breviary
South Korea: Hanku Asia, Inc., 1998
(2,000 pages; $60.00, cloth [available from: Daniel James Lula, 222 Cherry Street, West Newton, MA 02465])

reviewed by Addison H. Hart

Last year, Christianity Today ran a cover story entitled “Learning the Ancient Rhythms of Prayer.” It was a cursory look at the current recovery of the Daily Office, especially by Protestants, which has resulted in the recent publication of a surprising number of contemporary office books. Among these volumes, one finds Venite: A Book of Daily Prayer, edited by Robert Benson (Tarcher/Putnam, 2000); The Prymer: The Prayer Book of the Medieval Era Adapted for Contemporary Use, translated by Robert Webber (Paraclete Press, 2000); and the three-volume The Divine Hours, edited by Phyllis Tickle (Doubleday, 2000 and 2001). Such efforts and their success are indicative of a desire among many Christians for an objective, Word-and-Psalter-centered, traditional, and ancient form of prayer.


Addison H. Hart is retired from active ministry as parish priest and university chaplain. He is the author of Knowing Darkness: On Skepticism, Melancholy, Friendship, and God and The Yoke of Jesus: A School for the Soul in Solitude (both from Eerdmans). His forthcoming book is a study of the Sermon on the Mount. He lives and writes in Norheimsund, Norway.

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