Touchstone 2024 Conference: Same Place, New Dates

I know that many readers who attend our conferences routinely block off the second week of October for their annual trip to Deerfield, Illinois.

To accommodate the growing number of students who want to attend the conference, and to take advantage of the better weather, our 2024 conference will convene in Deerfield at Trinity International University on the last Thursday of September (9/26) and will end that Saturday morning (9/28). Mark your calendars today!


J. Douglas Johnson is the executive editor of Touchstone and the executive director of the Fellowship of St. James.

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23.6—November/December 2010

Darwin, Design & Thomas Aquinas

The Mythical Conflict Between Thomism & Intelligent Design by Logan Paul Gage

16.5—June 2003

The Truth About Men & Church

on the Importance of Fathers to Churchgoing by Robbie Low

32.3—May/June 2019

Editing Jesus

on the Implications of Changing the Pater Noster by John M. McCarthy

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