The Lion, the Witch & the Warthog

on Enjoying Books Aloud, Alone & at Parties

"Can we read the book, Mommy?” Maria begged. “You know, The Lion, the Witch, and the Warthog?” Obviously, I had to explain what a wardrobe was—and how it differed from a warthog. “We have a wardrobe in my bedroom,” I told the girls. “Well, a half-wardrobe.” This was true: it had hangers on one side and drawers on the other.

After we started reading, the pilgrimages began to the half-wardrobe. Maria would run to my room and back again, saying, “Hello, Mom! I’ve been gone for fifteen hours!” Then she would collapse with laughter at her own wit.


Rebecca Sicree writes from Boalsburg, Pennsylvania. She and her family attend Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in nearby State College. She and her husband Andrew have ten children, six of whom are now adults.

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