Fetal Repositioning by John D. Martin

Fetal Repositioning

Recent Pro-life Legal Victories in Europe

For pro-lifers in Europe, the last months of 2020 and the first of 2021 brought encouraging developments in the courts and other governmental bodies. The most significant gains have come from Eastern Europe, although a meeting in Switzerland was the origin of an important international declaration that has now been issued as an official UN document and signed by over thirty nations. It states plainly that abortion is not a human right. An ongoing legal fight in the UK and a decision in the French Senate also give grounds for encouragement. Let's look at these decisions and declarations in some detail.

Poland & Hungary


John D. Martin was born and raised in Indiana, but now lives in Germany with his family. He earned his doctorate from the University of Illinois and has written both academic articles and articles for the popular press, including Touchstone, First Things, Salvo, and The Federalist. His first novel, Charis Colony: The Landing, appeared in November 2020.

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more on abortion from the online archives

24.1—January/February 2011

Sanger's Victory

How Planned Parenthood's Founder Played the Christians, and Won by Allan C. Carlson

26.1—Jan/Feb 2013

The Destroyer of Peace

on Abortion as a Matter of National Welfare by W. Ross Blackburn

30.3—May/June 2017

Known Trespassing

on the Misuse of Property Rights to Justify Slavery & Abortion by Robert Hart

more from the online archives

30.6—Nov/Dec 2017

The Great Divorce

Christianity & the Liberal Society by James Hitchcock

18.3—April 2005

Lions of Succession

on Being a Free Narnian & the Joy of Subordination by Donald T. Williams

25.5—Sept/Oct 2012

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on the Blessings & Challenges of Homeschooling by Graeme Hunter

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