Keep It Going by James M. Kushiner

Keep It Going

Having published Touchstone for nearly 35 years, I have seen more than a generation of readers come on board. During that time, much has changed in the churches and in society, but nothing has changed in our core mission to take our stand on the ground of the ancient ecumenical consensus rooted in the Scriptures, the Nicene Creed, and the moral tradition embraced by Christians since the first century.

We have not and, please God, will not bend to the demands of what Russell Kirk called a "bent time." While division and apostasy have continued to run their course, we have witnessed a deepening recognition among Christians from various churches who remain steadfast in orthodoxy that we are truly brothers and sisters in Christ and must encourage one another to endure to the end.

I am especially encouraged whenever I meet young people who devotedly read Touchstone. As I complete my thirtieth year as executive editor, I'd especially like to encourage a new generation of readers and see our recent growth continue.

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James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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