Poetic Fidelity by Sofia M. Starnes

Poetic Fidelity

The Hundredfold: Songs for the Lord
by Anthony Esolen

In a fortuitous and fruitful coincidence, I found myself reading Dom Aelred Watkin's Resurrection Is Now at the same time that I became aware of Anthony Esolen's most recent book, The Hundredfold: Songs for the Lord. Allow me to quote from Watkin's work:

The essence of creativity is that what is achieved is something much more than the materials which go to its making. A masterpiece of prose or poetry is immeasurably more than the words of which it is constructed. . . . In a mysterious way the prison-house of the present has been broken open and we experience something that partakes of the universal . . . [something] that has achieved independence of time and place.


Sofia M. Starnes is a poet and editor of Philippine-Spanish heritage, an American citizen since 1989. The author of six poetry collections, she served as the poet laureate of Virginia from 2012 to 2014. She offers editing services to writers of various genres through Creative Writing Critiques, and serves as a translator of art essays and articles for Galería Cayón (Madrid, Spain) and the Ayala Foundation (Manila, Philippines). She lives in Williamsburg, Virginia, with her husband Bill.

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