Oh Boy, It's a Vegan? by James M. Kushiner


Oh Boy, It's a Vegan?

by James M. Kushiner

Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor was born on May 6, to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. An unnamed source told Vanity Fair that Markle "said they plan to raise their child with a fluid approach to gender and they won't be imposing any stereotypes." Unaware of this, perhaps, the Church of England tweeted:

Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on the birth of their baby boy. Here is a prayer for their new child: #RoyalBaby:  

Loving Father,
We rejoice with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex,
at the birth of their new son.
Guide and protect him
that he may follow you all his days.
May the love of his parents
help him to know your love,
which is revealed to us all
in Jesus Christ your Son. Amen.

All those male nouns and pronouns in the space of one Tweet!

It was earlier rumored, from a Buckingham Palace source, that the baby would be raised "vegan." Regardless of what may or may not happen, both intentions—"gender neutrality" and veganism—are positions that a "progressive" family might take. While the parents will not impose a "gender" (regardless of anatomical endowments) on their child, they will impose veganism, steering him clear of meat. Let him choose his own "gender," but keep bacon off limits? In any case, "Guide and protect him" is a fitting petition for any child.

James M. Kushiner is the Director of Publications for The Fellowship of St. James and the former Executive Editor of Touchstone.

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