Primary Graces by Mark Gignilliat

Primary Graces

When I Was a Child I Read Books
by Marilynne Robinson
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2012
(224 pages, $24.00, hardcover)

reviewed by Mark Gignilliat

Reading Marilynne Robinson is a dangerous enterprise. The beauty and force of her prose has the ability to lull one's critical sensibilities to sleep; at the very least, I find myself wanting to agree with just about everything she says, only to rouse my critical faculties at the final moment.


Mark Gignilliat is a professor of divinity at Beeson Divinity School, Samford University. He also serves as the director of Beeson’s newly launched Ph.D. program in Theology for the Church and as theologian-in-residence at St. Peter’s Anglican Church in Birmingham, Alabama.

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