Say It Again
Randall Smith on What Is There to Talk About in Heaven?
Not too long ago, I was at a funeral. It was a sad affair, as the funerals of people who have played an important part in one’s life usually are. But one thing that went a long way to diminishing the grief was the excellent homily of Fr. Marvin O’Connell, preaching on the occasion of the death of his long-time friend (of some 65 years), the venerable Ralph McInerny, professor of philosophy for over fifty years at the University of Notre Dame, author of numerous books on Thomas Aquinas, founding editor of Crisis magazine, and creator of the priest-sleuth Fr. Dowling.
During that homily, Fr. O’Connell suggested that Ralph McInerny would now reside in the company of the communion of the saints. He would, for example, see once again his beloved wife Connie and the son they lost when he was only four years old. And being a dedicated Thomist, he was probably already deep in conversation with “the Angelic Doctor” himself, St. Thomas Aquinas. What a conversation that would be!
Randall B. Smith is Associate Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas.
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