Jerusalem Crossroad by Lisa Severine Nolland

Jerusalem Crossroad

Twelve Hundred Pilgrims Meet in the Holy Land to Reclaim the Anglican Communion

by Lisa Severine Nolland

While the meeting of Anglican bishops from around the world every decade or so at Lambeth Palace has been considered the place to take the pulse of the worldwide Anglican Communion, another meeting in Jerusalem this past summer may signal the full emergence of an alternative global Anglican communion. Several weeks before the Lambeth meeting, nearly 1,200 Anglican leaders—archbishops, bishops, clergy, and laity—gathered during the final week of June at the Renaissance Jerusalem Hotel in West Jerusalem to discuss something called the Global Anglican Future. Hence the conference was billed as GAFCON.


Lisa Severine Nolland is the author of A Victorian Feminist Christian (Paternoster, 2003) and a contributor to and co-editor of God, Gays and the Church (Latimer, 2008). As web consultant for, she tracks and posts material on the sexual trajectory in the culture and the church. An American by birth, she has made her home for many years in Bristol, England, where she lives with her husband and their teenage daughter.

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