What They Beheld by Peter J. Scaer

What They Beheld

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses: The Gospels as Eyewitness Testimony
by Richard Bauckham
Eerdmans, 2006
(538 pages, $32.00, hardcover; $26.00, paperback)

reviewed by Peter J. Scaer

Many of my conservative friends, pastors who stand squarely within the Church’s Great Tradition, no longer pay much attention to Biblical Scholarship. Some feel it is too esoteric. Others complain about its clinical, too technical nature. Still others feel as if they have been burned too often by its liberalism. As if the Jesus of scholarship is so far removed from the biblical Jesus as to be unrecognizable.


Peter J. Scaer is assistant professor of exegetical theology at Concordia Theological Seminary (www.ctsfw.edu) and is finishing a book titled The Lucan Passion and the Praiseworthy Death. ?The Glorious Dying of the Son? is adapted from a paper presented at the Concordia Exegetical Symposium held at Concordia Seminary in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, in January 2003.

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