Luther’s End by Carl E. Olson

Luther’s End

Is the Reformation Over? An Evangelical Assessment of Contemporary Roman Catholicism
by Mark A. Noll and Carolyn Nystrom
Baker Academic, 2005
(272 pages, $24.99, hardcover)

reviewed by Carl E. Olson

Nearly half-way into Is the Reformation Over? the authors assert that the “most serious differences” between Catholics and Evangelicals today are not found in Marian beliefs, sacraments, the communion of saints, or views about justification, but are “rooted in ecclesiology, contrasting versions of what the church is and how it functions.”


Carl E. Olson is the author of Will Catholics Be ?Left Behind?? (Ignatius), and co-author, with Sandra Miesel, of The Da Vinci Hoax (Ignatius).

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