Philosophy Seeking Virtue by John B. Davenport

Philosophy Seeking Virtue

Faith, Hope, Love
by Josef Pieper
San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1997
(299 pages; $17.95, paper)

reviewed by John B. Davenport

Ignatius Press has done the Christian world a considerable service by publishing Faith, Hope, Love—three essays on the theological virtues by the Thomist philosopher Joseph Pieper (1904–1997), originally produced as separate works in 1935, 1962, and 1964. This book has current relevance to all Christians, given Pope John Paul’s three-year program of preparation for the Third Millennium. The themes in the Catholic Church for the first year of this preparation (1997) were Christ, Mary, and the virtue of Faith; those of the second year (1998) the Holy Spirit and Hope; and those of the third year (1999) are God the Father and Charity.


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