The Fellowship of His Sufferings by Caroline Cox

The Fellowship of His Sufferings

Encountering the Suffering Church & A Call for Compassion

by Caroline Cox

If you go for a walk on the hills above the English cathedral city of Guildford, you may come across a tombstone in the woods overlooking the valleys of Surrey. If, prompted by curiosity, you wonder who had chosen to be buried there and you stop to read the inscription, you will find the words: “Here lies Major Laballiere who asked to be buried upside down, because he thought the world was topsy turvy and he wanted to be right way up at the end.” I don’t know about being buried upside down, but I suggest that as Christians, we should be prepared to have our lives turned upside down by a Lord who called us to serve him—a Lord who has told and shown us that his ways are not the ways of this world—and that we have to be fools for his sake.


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