The End of the Old World Order by James L. Sauer

The End of the Old World Order

James L. Sauer on George Moncrieff-Scott’s Burke Street

Burke Street
by George Moncrieff-Scott
New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1989

One of the chief casualties of modernity has been our loss of the memory of things human and the breaking of our organic interconnection with the past. Modern capitalism engenders a rootlessness of ever-mobile professionals; socialism creates a hive-like urban proletariat. Modern industrialism does both. The civil life of the home, the small town, and the rural countryside have largely been replaced with life in the global slum or universal shopping mall. Johnson’s dictum that “he who is tired of London is tired of life” no longer holds the same punch. New York is no longer a Big Apple, but a Big Onion.


James L. Sauer is the Director of Warner Memorial Library at Eastern College in St. Davids, Pennsylvania. He and his wife, Paula, live in Coatesville, Pennsylvania with their seven children.

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