Worship Becomes Us by Dan Sheffler

Book Review

Worship Becomes Us

Liturgy and Personality
by Dietrich von Hildebrand

Hildebrand Press, 2016 (orig. pub. 1932)
(160 pages, $17.99, paperback)

Dietrich von Hildebrand was a giant. In the realm of Christian ethics and devotion, he is known for his perennial Transformation in Christ. In the realm of political action, he fought Hitler by running an anti-Nazi journal from Austria, at one point topping Hitler's list of political enemies. In philosophy, he articulated a compelling vision of Christian personalism, alongside thinkers like Max Scheler, Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II), and Edith Stein (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross).


Dan Sheffler (Ph.D., University of Kentucky) teaches philosophy at Georgetown College in Kentucky. With his wife and three children, he is a member of Lexington Christian Fellowship.

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