Behind the Veil by Marilyn Prever


Behind the Veil

The Truth We Don’t Know About Fairies, Leprechauns, UFOs, ETs & Other Entities

Do you believe in fairies and leprechauns? What about UFOs and ETs? Most people would say no to the first question but would hesitate to give a flat-out yes or no to the second. Fairies, elves, gnomes, trolls, ogres—all those quaint folklore characters—are out of fashion these days, whereas serious belief in extra-terrestrial creatures and extra-sensory perception is becoming more mainstream all the time.

What are we to make of this odd fact? What kind of reality, if any, are we dealing with? Do we have more reason to believe in ETs than in fairies? Does it matter?


Marilyn Prever ( is a retired homeschool teacher, mother and grandmother of a large family, whose articles have appeared in Homiletic & Pastoral Review, New Oxford Review, Second Spring, and other publications. She lives in Claremont, New Hampshire, with her family, and they worship at St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

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