Safe Deposit But No Return by Dave Andrusko

Safe Deposit But No Return

My Fundamentalist Education: A Memoir of a Divine Girlhood
by Christine Rosen
PublicAffairs, 2005
(231 pages, $24.00, hardcover)

reviewed by Dave Andrusko

Years ago, when it came time to enroll my oldest in middle school, I’d like to say that I weighed the pros and cons in a fashion that made Solomon look like an impulse shopper. Truth be told, I drove by my neighborhood public school, chiseled out absurd conclusions from a mini-quarry of inadequate information, and, in a quasi-panic, enrolled my daughter in a fundamentalist Christian school for safekeeping.


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The Absurd Reich

on the Politics of Demonic Nothingness by Gary Inbinder

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Old & New Lessons from Europe by Allan C. Carlson

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