Pro Creation by Annegret Hunter

Pro Creation

Annegret Hunter on Cardinal Truths Her Sons Taught Her About Genesis

Mothers are the ones who get their chief education through homeschooling. Of course children profit greatly, and some fathers might too, but in the case of our family I was the main beneficiary. Take, for example, the matter of creation. Before I homeschooled I had never given it a thought.

For sure I was brought up on Darwin’s theory. Since I found any religion to be a useless escape from reality, I believed creation to be only a myth like many others. And this was still the case when the beginning began: My younger son informed me that he wanted to learn how to read and write.


Annegret Hunter recovered after homeschooling two boys and was pleased to discover she was still a Christian, a wife, and a bookbinder. Her husband Graeme is a contributing editor of Touchstone.

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