Clément’s Reply to Rome by Anthony Dragani

Clément’s Reply to Rome

You Are Peter: An Orthodox Theologian’s Reflection on the Exercise of Papal Primacy
by Olivier Clément, translated by M. S. Laird, with a foreword by Avery Dulles
New York: New City Press, 2003
(112 pages; $12.95, paperback)

reviewed by Anthony Dragani

One of the thorniest issues in ecumenical relations is the Catholic belief in the pope’s primacy. While Catholics believe that the papacy is a necessary and divinely mandated institution, Protestant and Orthodox Christians usually find it to be an ongoing source of division. There is a note of tragic irony in this, for Catholicism teaches that the purpose of the papacy is to safeguard and preserve the unity of Christ’s Church.


Anthony Dragani is a doctoral candidate in theology at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and writes for the Eastern Churches Journal. He is a Byzantine Catholic.

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