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Duration: 38:32 — Talk delivered on Friday, October 12, 2018

Honorable Men & the Honor of God: The Centrality of Honor in Masculinity & Christianity

—Leon J. Podles—
Touchstone Senior Editor

Leon J. Podles holds a Ph.D. in Old English and Old Icelandic from the University of Virginia. His books include The Church Impotent: The Feminization of Christianity (Spence) and Sacrilege, an in-depth look at sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. His newest book is Losing the Good Portion: Why Men Are Alienated from Christianity, due out from St. Augustine’s Press at the end of 2018. His work has appeared in numerous publications, including America, The American Spectator, and Crisis. After serving as a federal investigator for 20 years, Dr. Podles founded the Crossland Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing Christian culture through education. He is involved in his own community by serving on the boards of the Baltimore Area Council of Scouts and the Baltimore Opera Company. He and his wife Mary are the parents of six children. He resides in Baltimore, Maryland.

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