articles by Peter Toon

16.7 — September 2003

Sunday Guests

on Eucharist, Edification & Evangelization

14.10 — December 2001

Christendom Tamed

on Postmodernity & Asceticism

13.2 — March 2000

One Leads to the Other

11.6 — November/December 1998

Christianity & Subjective Human Rights

On the Fiftieth Anniversary of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)

11.5 — September/October 1998

Is a Personal Relationship with Jesus What I Really Want?

on the Theology of Salvation

11.4 — July/August 1998

Objectively Disordered

10.3 — Summer 1997

Have a Nice Church!

9.4 — Fall 1996

A Sin Which Can Be Forgiven

Toward a Biblical Perspective on Divorce and Remarriage in the Churches Today

9.3 — Summer 1996

Are Values the Same as Virtues?

7.4 — Fall 1994

Dwelling in Us Richly

On Meditating & Contemplating as One Is “In Christ”

7.3 — Summer 1994

A Treasure from Scribes Old, Not New

The Orthodox Study Bible: New Testament and Psalms Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1993.

short pieces by Peter Toon

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