articles by Gillis J. Harp

24.6 — Nov/Dec 2011

Statutes of Liberty

on the Tyranny of Modern Freedom versus the Freedom of Jesus

21.7 — September 2008

The Market’s Place

God and Money: The Moral Challenge of Our Capitalist Culture
by Charles McDaniel

20.7 — September 2007

Conservative Fundamentals

The Essential Russell Kirk: Selected Essays edited by George A. Panichas

18.1 — January/February 2005

Home Invasion

17.9 — November 2004

Right Worship

A Better Way by Michael Horton

16.6 — July/August 2003

Mall Christianity

on Seeker Sensitivity & Cultural Captivity

16.3 — April 2003

Requiem for the Comic Book

on the Debasing of Boyhood Innocence

15.7 — September 2002

An Unlikely Window on the Medieval Church

on Reforming the Reformed

14.2 — March 2001

A Once & Former Evangelical

Phillips Brooks: A Cautionary Tale

9.4 — Fall 1996

Liturgical Revival?

on Two Evangelical Approaches with the Same Mistake

short pieces by Gillis J. Harp

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