articles by D. G. Hart

20.10 — December 2007

Of Caesar’s Household

Multiculturalism & the Christian’s Multiple Identities

19.10 — December 2006

Two Kingdoms Come

Toward an Evangelical Public Policy,
The Scandal of the Evangelical Conscience,
and Evangelicals in the Public Square

18.8 — October 2005

Education & Alienation

What John Henry Newman Could Learn from Wendell Berry

13.10 — December 2000

Rediscovering Mother Kirk

Is High-Church Presbyterianism an Oxymoron?

8.4 — Fall 1995

Reforming Worship

Reverence, the Reformed Tradition, & the Crisis of Protestant Worship

6.3 — Summer 1993

Whatever Happened to Office?

Ordination and the Crisis of Leadership in American Protestantism

short pieces by D. G. Hart

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