**During this final fundraiser of our 2019/2020 fiscal year, we have asked editors and contributors to say a few words about Touchstone as we ask our readers to consider making a donation so that we can keep doing what we do.**

from the desk of R. V. Young

May 29, 2020

Dear Touchstone reader,

Touchstone is a unique magazine: it is the only forum for Christians of different confessions who, nonetheless, all adhere to the fundamental teachings of Christianity, comprising the Incarnation, Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Son of God for the salvation of the world.

C.S. Lewis called this "mere Christianity," and it unites the faithful of different churches, who maintain serious disagreements among themselves about the implications of the Incarnation for ecclesiology and sacramental theology, in the face of an increasingly faithless world.

In Touchstone, Christians with differing perspectives on what is genuinely supernatural faith can discuss their differences respectfully and thoughtfully with aim of reducing their disagreements. More important, they can provide one another comfort and encouragement as they confront belligerent secular power structure. I know of no other magazine that offers this opportunity, and Touchstone is thus indispensable.

R.V. Young, Professor Emeritus
Department of English, NC State University
Former Editor, Modern Age

R. V. Young is a Touchstone contributing editor, who has written many articles for the magazine. One of my favorites is Of Bicycles, Sex, & Natural Law: Describing Human Ends & Our Limitations Is Neither Futile Nor Unloving.—Douglas Johnson

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